August’s Cleantech Founder’s Breakfast Club: Impacts of the Inflation Reduction Act: Will this be the green promised land for startups?

August’s Cleantech Founder’s Breakfast Club: Impacts of the Inflation Reduction Act: Will this be the green promised land for startups?

Thursday, August 18 2022   10:00 AM EST

Event overview

On August 7th, the US Senate passed the Inflation Reduction Act which Sen Joe Manchin (D-WV) says is meant to “lower the cost of inflation taxes…and ensure energy security and climate change solutions.” With billions of dollars slated to “green” solutions, what does this mean for entrepreneurs in this space? In this month’s CFBC discussion, we’ll break down the bill and take a look at its near-term and long-term impacts.

CFBC events are only open to Dynamo members. If you are interested in attending or learning more about Dynamo, please reach out to Chad Miller (


August’s Cleantech Founder’s Breakfast Club: Impacts of the Inflation Reduction Act: Will this be the green promised land for startups?

Thursday, August 18 2022

10:00 AM EST



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Kristin Barbato

Dynamo Energy Hub


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August’s Cleantech Founder’s Breakfast Club: Impacts of the Inflation Reduction Act: Will this be the green promised land for startups?

August’s Cleantech Founder’s Breakfast Club: Impacts of the Inflation Reduction Act: Will this be the green promised land for startups?

Thursday, August 18   10:00 AM EST
August’s Cleantech Founder’s Breakfast Club: Impacts of the Inflation Reduction Act: Will this be the green promised land for startups?

August’s Cleantech Founder’s Breakfast Club: Impacts of the Inflation Reduction Act: Will this be the green promised land for startups?

Thursday, August 18   10:00 AM EST