Expecting the Unexpected: Assessing Emissions Impacts and Physical Climate Risk in a Global Pandemic

Expecting the Unexpected: Assessing Emissions Impacts and Physical Climate Risk in a Global Pandemic

Monday, June 22 2020   1:00pm - 2:00pm

Event overview

Rhodium Group, a leading independent research provider combining economic data analytics and policy insight, provided an overview of its work tracking COVID-19’s energy and emissions impact in the US and the broader impact of climate change on the assessment of physical climate risk.

Rhodium also presented their latest analysis of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on greenhouse gas emissions and energy demand in the US across sectors and provided an overview of their approach to develop evidence-based insights into the economic impacts of physical climate risk. These methods are increasingly of interest to the investment community seeking to better understand and manage climate risk.

Expecting the Unexpected: Assessing Emissions Impacts and Physical Climate Risk in a Global Pandemic

Monday, June 22 2020

1:00pm - 2:00pm



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Emily Grover-Kopec

Director, Energy & Climate, Rhodium Group

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Emily Wimberger

Climate Economist, Energy & Climate, Rhodium Group

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Hannah Pitt

Senior Analyst, Energy & Climate, Rhodium Group

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Expecting the Unexpected: Assessing Emissions Impacts and Physical Climate Risk in a Global Pandemic

Expecting the Unexpected: Assessing Emissions Impacts and Physical Climate Risk in a Global Pandemic

Monday, June 22   1:00pm - 2:00pm
Expecting the Unexpected: Assessing Emissions Impacts and Physical Climate Risk in a Global Pandemic

Expecting the Unexpected: Assessing Emissions Impacts and Physical Climate Risk in a Global Pandemic

Monday, June 22   1:00pm - 2:00pm