March Cleantech Founders Breakfast Club: Caffeine and Visine – a founder’s recipe for survival?

March Cleantech Founders Breakfast Club: Caffeine and Visine – a founder’s recipe for survival?

Tuesday, March 29 2022   9:00 am – 10:00 AM EST

Event overview

Getting a company off the ground and running it successfully can be an all-consuming job – and this is especially true for industries that are working to completely transform the energy sector at a rapid pace.

This month’s CFBC focused on how to avoid burnout as a cleantech founder and how we can all support each other as we work towards achieving our own company goals as well as 2050 carbon neutrality targets. Attendees discussed how and when to put up boundaries for work, how to make time to celebrate victories, as well as tricks that keep us motivated during periods of intense workloads.

And, on the topic of caffeine and celebrations, we raised our coffee mugs in celebration of to two tremendous years of CFBC!


March Cleantech Founders Breakfast Club: Caffeine and Visine – a founder’s recipe for survival?

Tuesday, March 29 2022

9:00 am – 10:00 AM EST


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Kristin Barbato

Dynamo Energy Hub

Co-Founder & President

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March Cleantech Founders Breakfast Club: Caffeine and Visine – a founder’s recipe for survival?

March Cleantech Founders Breakfast Club: Caffeine and Visine – a founder’s recipe for survival?

Tuesday, March 29   9:00 am – 10:00 AM EST
March Cleantech Founders Breakfast Club: Caffeine and Visine – a founder’s recipe for survival?

March Cleantech Founders Breakfast Club: Caffeine and Visine – a founder’s recipe for survival?

Tuesday, March 29   9:00 am – 10:00 AM EST